Are NIMHAN'S Degrees Valid?

The National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro-Sciences is a premier medical institution located in Bengaluru, India. NIMHANS is the apex center for mental health and neuroscience education in the country, the institute operates autonomously under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.

Is NIMHANS RCI Recognised? 

No. However in 2012, NIMHANS was granted "Institution of National Importance" status which turned it into an autonomous Institution that can issue degrees as well as diplomas. 
All its degrees including PhDs, PDFs, M. Phils, DMs, Mch, DMs, MD, and other allied courses are well-recognized across the globe.

Does that mean the MPhil Clinical Psychology from NIMHANS is still valid? 

Yes. Because of its Autonomous status, all NIMHANS degrees are valid and don't need any further validation from any other agency like MCI or RCI or UGC. NIMHANS Act, 2012 clearly states that the degrees issued by NIMHANS would be valid and wouldn't need validation from any other agency. Those who graduate from NIMHANS (with MPhil Clinical Psychology) need to fill a form and they will get the license from the RCI just like any other RCI Recognised Institution (and they don't need to take any exam). 

Where Can I read the act? 

You can read the complete Act Here


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